
employment ahoy!

So yours truly has (semi-officially) landed a job at a bakery! It's a small, cute little place with the most delicious breads and sweets ever, and I've been wanting a job there for ages. I think the reason why I tend to be unemployed for so long is that I find myself holding out for the perfect job, instead of just taking the first thing that comes my way. And this (hopefully) is along those perfect job lines. 15 minutes away from my house, 10 minutes away from school, and so many yummy things to eat, hooray!

I'd mostly be doing counter work - helping customers, answering phones, keeping up with little restocking projects and the like, but there are a few opportunities to help decorate baked goods and oh man, am I going to have a field day. Ms. Amateur Homebaker steps foot into a professional environment with professional equipment and professional bakers.. excellence! Training starts tomorrow at the buttcrack of dawn and I couldn't be more excited.

Thank goodness I'll be doing a lot of walking at school, because this place is gonna make me one chubby julie.


  1. Woo! You are so going to have to give me baking tips now :D

  2. it's pretty super cool. I'm learning TONS

  3. awesome! btw, I has a bunch of good recipes for you to bake, if you would like
